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Holmden, London

Regency flame mahogany quarter striking longcase clock by Vulliamy's movement maker. Circa 1815


The pretty flame mahogany case with arch top, ripple cornice mouldings, glazed side panels and canted angles. The highly figured arched trunk door with ebony banding, flanked by canted sides, ebonised mouldings to the base with a single plinth.


The 12 inch break arch painted dial signed Holmden, London, with Roman hour numerals, large subsidiary seconds and calendar dials with a strike silent subsidiary dial to the break arch. Blued steel 'Vulliamy' spade hands.


The high quality eight day movement with substantial plates and five large baluster pillars. Graham type dead beat escapement with long steel crutch and large backcock. Striking the hours on the larger bell and the quarters on a smaller bell. Wood rod pendulum with brass lenticular bob and calibrated rating nut, brass cased weights.


Notes. John George Holmden was responsible for making Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy's finest clock movements, he also supplied other leading London clockmakers, stamping the frontplate of movements HOLMDEN. Subsequently it is rare to see a clock signed Holmden. He was apprenticed in 1781, Free of the Clockmakers Company 1788 and Liveryman from 1807 - 1840.

A domestic regulator has all the attributes of a regulator with a standard dial layout and a striking movement.
