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Thomas Mudge & William Dutton selling exhibition and catalogue.

Thomas Mudge & William Dutton selling exhibition.

Tobias Birch Fine Antique Clock Dealers are doing something different this year with their stand at the BADA Fair in March. It will, for a week, from 20 March t0 26th March, be the home to a selling exhibition of over 20 clocks and watches made by the famous 18th century partnership of Thomas Mudge and William Dutton.

Thomas Mudge and William Dutton were both apprenticed to George Graham and formed a partnership in 1765. The quality of their work was outstanding and they produced the finest clocks of late 18th century. The ethos of their partnership was always quality, never quantity and the output of their clocks and watches is relatively small. Mudge and Dutton took cases in a new direction, their pillarless longcases and 3 pad, arch top, spring clocks, of refined and classical proportions set a new post Graham, true Georgian style.

The collection which has been carefully put together over the past two years includes longcase clocks, scientific regulators, table clocks, wall clocks and watches. All will be for sale and a catalogue which contains detailed descriptions and images of the clocks will be available from the stand, or from ourselves after the Fair. Please contact us  for a copy. There will be a short talk everyday at 12 noon which will focus on Mudge and Dutton's partnership and work. Contact Tobias Birch for tickets and make a note in your diary.

Date: 11/03/2019 | Author: Julie Birch